We started looking for signs and saw one pointing to the top of a hill with a beautiful view of a valley. The B & B was called the Kremlin. Hmmm. . . well, it's worth a try. After all, it's good to combine cultures in a foreign country. Why not support the Russians? We entered an intimidating door to find a group of men watching football (soccer) on a big screen television enjoying their beers. We stood there for about 10 minutes before being acknowledged. Not a good sign. The innkeeper/bartender finally looked our way and we inquired about the cost for a night's stay. He quoted us some outrageous amount that I have now forgotten (purposely) and we left.
Next up was the Angel B & B. I vaguely remember seeing somewhat of a halo around it. Well, maybe not, but desperation had set in and the look of the place was far superior than the Kremlin. We inquired at the door, interrupting the woman innkeeper from her dinner. Unfortunately, no room at the inn. She kindly suggested that we try the next town called Ludlow. Surely there are many options there.
We drove another few miles to the center of Ludlow. Alas, at approximately 10 PM, we had success and found the Bull Hotel as our home for the night. Whew - that was a close one. After getting settled in, I adamantly told Monique that we would heretofore find a place to stay by 6:30 PM each night. There - problem solved.
Excellent use of the word "heretofore." I love when problems are so easily solved :)
Now is it "heretofore" or "hereafter"?
Could only be Beatri...
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